by kimqi | May 23, 2023 | Big Rock, Hiking, Nature, Spring Hiking
LOOK AT THE FISH! If you ignore the ripples and the dazzling acrobat, this picture is just like the one I shared two weeks ago. Even as I leaned over the railing and lined up the shot, I wondered why I was interested in this subject. Again. So soon. I was...
by kimqi | Feb 18, 2023 | Hiking, Illinois, Nature, Winter Hiking
Every February, I long to get away. This year, I took time off work, so I would go, no matter what. I wanted to visit somewhere warm, which didn’t happen, mainly because I couldn’t coordinate it. Last week, I impulsively chose Shawnee National Forest over Hocking...
by kimqi | Jan 10, 2023 | Nature, Winter Hiking, YinYang, Seasons
The soft wail of a train, the familiar rumble, the rhythm as metal met metal, this sorrowful, distant music pulled me from sleep. It was still dark, but I remembered the sunny creek from yesterday. Swiftly moving icy water spilled loudly over the rocky bottom. It sang...
by kimqi | Jan 2, 2023 | Hiking, Nature, New Year
I went to Nature seeking answers; she is always generous. I was looking for my 2023 word, the word by which I’d measure all things, a sort of rudder, my version of a New Year’s Resolution. I thought the verb “muse” might be perfect. I liked the pondering meaning of...
by kimqi | Dec 18, 2022 | Hiking, Nature, Qi, Winter, Winter Hiking
Tiny birds scattered in the frigid air as I ducked under a partially fallen tree crossing the trail. I searched above for the bird making a racket, probably warning the little birds of the invasion that was me. The world looked gray. A tall, sturdy tree stood dark...
by kimqi | Oct 23, 2022 | Buddhism, Nature, YinYang, Seasons
I found a tiny burr on my dress, the dress I wore for the Colorado mountain wedding in September. I pinched it off and casually threw it in the waste basket. I have thought about the burr a lot. I wish I had put it in the woods. It traveled so far. It did its job. It...