by kimqi | Jan 6, 2024 | Hiking, Winter, Winter Hiking, YinYang, Seasons
I had dinner with a wise friend. We have known each other for a long time, and I feel free to speak from the heart. I was mentally stumbling and contorting logic in an attempt to explain a series of events. The truth is, I was trying to UNDERSTAND the outcome of said...
by kimqi | Sep 24, 2023 | Hiking, Michigan, North Country Trail
Yesterday, as I walked across the bridge at Croton Dam, I stopped and smiled at a fisherman. “My Dad caught a lot of fish here,” I said casually, not sure the fisherman would understand or want to engage. He responded with a huge smile. “I have been fishing here for...
by kimqi | May 23, 2023 | Big Rock, Hiking, Nature, Spring Hiking
LOOK AT THE FISH! If you ignore the ripples and the dazzling acrobat, this picture is just like the one I shared two weeks ago. Even as I leaned over the railing and lined up the shot, I wondered why I was interested in this subject. Again. So soon. I was...
by kimqi | Mar 20, 2023 | Hiking, Illinois, Taoism, Winter, Winter Hiking, YinYang
It was cold but sunny, the perfect morning to wander around Matthiessen. Tonight is the Equinox, the beginning of Spring. A time of balance, night and day are the same length; Yin equals Yang. This hike is a quest to find Spring, I thought. I laughed and shivered....
by kimqi | Mar 11, 2023 | Hiking, Illinois
Recent hikes in the Shawnee National Forest inspired me to research critters I was unfamiliar with; bobcats, rattlesnakes and copperheads. The process led me to consider fear in general. We are afraid of things we don’t understand, right? In theory, education will...
by kimqi | Feb 18, 2023 | Hiking, Illinois, Nature, Winter Hiking
Every February, I long to get away. This year, I took time off work, so I would go, no matter what. I wanted to visit somewhere warm, which didn’t happen, mainly because I couldn’t coordinate it. Last week, I impulsively chose Shawnee National Forest over Hocking...