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I hiked in a new place and it was amazing! I knew it would be. I told a friend I was going to find treasure. The quest began as I wandered through a beautiful prairie that led to a Native American burial ground. There are approximately 27 mounds from the Late Woodland...
Peace. Peace. Peace.

Peace. Peace. Peace.

“Nature is a place to sort through ideas, to gather and arrange words. Sunday was no exception. I took my thoughts to a trail that circles a small lake, a muddy place for dogs, horses, and their humans. It was a clear day, and I walked with the sun on one...
The Perfect Tree

The Perfect Tree

I was out of sorts Sunday morning. I am always out of sorts the first Sunday in November, the second Sunday in March too. These are the days that humans pretend to control Nature by changing the time. I like Nature’s plan, you know, the one where sunset and sunrise...
Sweet Shade

Sweet Shade

S​​ome of the NCT follows country roads. It’s annoying but reality. If one wants to hike this trail, roads are part of the deal. I knew this when I parked in Marshall last weekend. The trail started in the woods but soon led to B Drive N and followed the road for...
What’s Important?

What’s Important?

Dragonflies dart overhead while mosquitos buzz and bite in humidity so high, one can almost see it. It’s hot, maybe 90. The woods called and I answered in spite of the afternoon heat. I started the day listening to a new episode of a podcast I love. It is jammed full...
Look Up!

Look Up!

“Look up! Think about all the things you are missing!” He said. “Don’t look at the ground. Trust that your feet know where they are and that they will keep you safely on the trail.” I agreed but half-heartedly, not even half-heartedly, a quarter-heartedly. Maybe...