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Sweet Shade

Sweet Shade

S​​ome of the NCT follows country roads. It’s annoying but reality. If one wants to hike this trail, roads are part of the deal. I knew this when I parked in Marshall last weekend. The trail started in the woods but soon led to B Drive N and followed the road for...
The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth

For thousands of years and in many cultures, humans have walked labyrinths as a form of meditation. Traveling a labyrinth symbolizes our spiritual journey inward. We start on the outer edge and walk slowly and mindfully on the single path toward the center,...
Motorcycle Maintenance Revisited

Motorcycle Maintenance Revisited

A couple days ago I made my first post in three weeks. That’s a long time, especially with all the words and ideas that have bubbled up. I try to catch and organize them. I get distracted by this idea or that one and end up on yet another path with more ideas to...
North Country Trail

North Country Trail

Three years ago, I went backpacking in Bighorn National Forest in Wyoming. It changed my life. The trip was incredible. I loved being so deeply connected with Nature. Many things shifted that week. I came home determined to return the following year. I trained at the...
What’s Important?

What’s Important?

Dragonflies dart overhead while mosquitos buzz and bite in humidity so high, one can almost see it. It’s hot, maybe 90. The woods called and I answered in spite of the afternoon heat. I started the day listening to a new episode of a podcast I love. It is jammed full...