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My favorite times are those determined by nature; storms, full moons, solstices and equinoxes. They are special because they remind us that we are connected to nature. The Winter Solstice is tomorrow, marking the shortest day of the year. Tonight is the longest night, with nearly 15 hours of darkness. Fifteen HOURS of darkness! In nature, darkness is quiet. Plants go dormant and animals hibernate. Nature has her own rhythm and wisdom. The active summer months balance the quiet winter months. BALANCE. Lao Tzu, the Father of Taoism, says: “Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.” In other words, stay connected to nature and follow her lead to find balance. Balance is key to a healthy body, mind and spirit.

We don’t think of this time of year as quiet or introspective.  Usually, we run around shopping, wrapping, cooking, cleaning and preparing. If we look at the contrast between our usual activities and the quiet of nature, it is obvious that we don’t “flow as life flows.” This time of year, I generally see a lot of stress in my practice, friends and family. I wonder if holiday stress might be caused by trying to do too much when it would be more natural to do less? We have the opportunity to try doing less this year. Expectations are completely different. We can go within a little more often, choose small group activities, and wrap gifts in a quiet room with mindful intention. Slight adjustments might make a big difference in our level of stress. 2020 has given us the opportunity to reconsider and change the way we live our lives, let’s not miss the chance to make wise adjustments.  Here’s to a thoughtful Winter Solstice and a Happy Holiday Season.