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“My kids and I stay downtown in “The Marmalade District” when we’re in Salt Lake City. It’s a beautiful small neighborhood with homes dating back to 1890 nestled in the side of a mountain overlooking the city. The name hints at the many fruit trees planted when the section was initially developed. The variety of beautiful architecture, the long-established landscaping fenced in with wrought iron, and narrow, steeply inclined streets with names like Almond, Apricot, and Quince make an early morning walk feel like time travel. Even the name “Marmalade” is sweet, wholesome and from another time.

The shift from March to April is a lovely time to visit. Spring flowers are everywhere. The sun is different at 4,000 feet. Forty-five degrees feels warm as long as one remains in the sun. Temple Square is a short steep downhill walk and has endless places to explore for the open-minded and curious. Walking back home ensures a bit of cardio. The home faces west. Think amazing sunsets from the covered patio.

Like most things in life, I stumbled on this gem. I rented the Airbnb and fell in love. The first time I visited, I decided I needed a place just like it. Then I realized I HAVE THAT place and it’s perfect for my family. I just returned from our second visit and I can’t imagine staying anywhere else. It feels like our home away from home. Isn’t it cool when you wish for something and realize you already have it?