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Today is the Spring Equinox. Day and night are equal. The Equinox is about balance and the tension between light & dark, life & death. I’ll tell you a secret: light & life always win in the Spring. I hold tight to this idea in these confusing times.

I’ll tell you another secret; living WITHIN nature is enlightening.

This Spring is different from any we have ever experienced, but Spring is still about rebirth. It’s time to sprout from the compost. The compost has become excess. The compost is less important now that we get sustenance from the sun and water. I know these words sound cliché, but think about what is going on. We are currently a culture of more. Our shopping carts are overflowing with paper goods that will last a year. We have storage units packed with things we don’t use. Hoarding. Not sharing. Selfishness. We are destroying our relationships and our environment. For what? This unusual time gives us the opportunity to reevaluate EVERYTHING and grow, revealing who we are and who we will become. Weird bonus, we are isolated from our communities. We have time to hone and polish our truth without distraction. It’s new and frightening, but we don’t have a choice. It’s time.

It’s time to find our –est. A perfect time to grow into the big-est bad-est true-est loving-est versions of ourselves we can conjure up. Every year, when the peonies bloom, I write a post about growing like peonies, growing until we can no long longer hold ourselves up, collapsing in a beautiful heap from the weight of our wondrous blooms, our –est. It’s a lovely goal, I think. And this is an excellent time to start.