by kimqi | Dec 20, 2020 | all posts, Winter Hiking
My favorite times are those determined by nature; storms, full moons, solstices and equinoxes. They are special because they remind us that we are connected to nature. The Winter Solstice is tomorrow, marking the shortest day of the year. Tonight is the longest night,...
by kimqi | Nov 15, 2020 | Winter Hiking, YinYang, Seasons
Stepping onto the trail with a shiver, I am grateful for my windbreaker and zip-up tight. A quick survey of the woods indicates that everything is brown and dead. I knew it would be. It’s mid-November in Illinois. Regardless, walking in the woods grounds me, even if...
by kimqi | Oct 31, 2020 | YinYang, Seasons
Fifteen years ago today, Steven Hill and I bought a house locally known as the Murder Mansion. Murder Mansion because it is a big house and, you know… MURDER. In the mid-1950s, a man called Tex Perkins killed his estranged wife and then himself in the front yard. In...
by kimqi | Oct 24, 2020 | Fall Hiking
I typed “I have a lot of words to share,” which autocorrected to “I have a lot of words to shed.” I caught my breath and stopped to consider this perspective, this flicker of an idea sparked by autocorrect. Share, by definition, requires more than one person. Usually,...
by kimqi | Sep 20, 2020 | all posts, Moon
Shortly after I took this picture of the setting sun, I looked higher in the sky to see a fine silver sliver bending halfway around the speckled and darkened orb of the Moon. I knew better than to reach for my camera to try to capture that image. The Moon is slippery...