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Townline Road

Townline Road

I have maps of the North Country Trail between the Michigan/Ohio state line and the Mackinac Bridge. The pages are highlighted, dated, sweat-stained, dirty, and torn from endlessly moving in and out of my pocket. They are taped together and dotted with post-it notes...
The Little Beach

The Little Beach

My campsite overlooked a small body of water, bigger than a pond, not exactly a lake. This water became a source of great joy and insight. The sun and moon both rose over her. My first morning there, I was excited and woke before 5 am. It was 46 degrees and dark....


S​aturday was like a Monet painting, peaceful and serene. The forest contained very little fall color except for the Maple trees, which were red like cherries. The light in this picture whispers Monet; the lily pads scream it. If today was a Monet, yesterday was a...
Those Pesky Miles

Those Pesky Miles

A couple of pesky miles, or maybe four, I wasn’t sure. Regardless, I had attempted this tiny stretch of the NCT repeatedly without success. I couldn’t find the trailhead, car problems sent me home, endless rain relocated me to the cabin, a creepy truck parked on the...
The Fair

The Fair

Dog-tired yet renewed, I am. Fair week is over. Finally and already. The week of the Sandwich Fair seems like it will never end yet flies by. The end is bittersweet. Brilliantly timed, this event has been held the Wednesday-Sunday after Labor Day since 1888. Most...